Affiliate Organizations

International City/County Management Association

ICMA’s vision is to be the leading association of local government professionals dedicated to creating and supporting thriving communities throughout the world. We do this by working with our more than 11,000 members to identify and speed the adoption of leading local government practices in order to improve the lives of residents.  ICMA offers membership, professional development programs, research, publications, data and information, technical assistance, and training to thousands of city, town, and county chief administrative officers, their staffs, and other organizations throughout the world.


National Association of County Administrators

NACA is an affiliate of ICMA (International City/County Management Association). NACA encourages professional development for county administrators and provides information and resources to its members to improve the management of county government.


National Forum for Black Public Administrators

The National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) is the principal and most progressive organization dedicated to the advancement of black public leadership in local and state governments. NFBPA is an independent, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1983. With over 2,500 members, NFBPA has established a national reputation for designing and implementing quality leadership development initiatives of unparalleled success. Our members are leaders and managers of public programs and agencies in more than 350 jurisdictions nationwide. Thirty-six chapters support the growth of NFBPA at the local level. We invite you to join us.

International Network of Asian Public Administrators

I-NAPA is an organization encouraging excellence among public administrators of Asian heritage by:

  • Developing leadership of emerging leaders of Asian heritage
  • Supporting public administrators of Asian heritage as leaders
  • Providing networking opportunities
  • Providing unique resources to Asian public administrators

Government Finance Officers Association

For over a century, government finance professionals have relied upon the GFOA to provide timely information, practical educational opportunities, high-quality professional publications, and the latest information on best practices.

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