ILGHN Committees

If you are interested in joining one of the following ILGHN committees, please contact ILGHN at

Membership – The committee develops a strategy to promote membership development and attract new members. In conjunction with Communications, the committee develops a marketing strategy to promote the Illinois Chapter and its goals.
Chair: Heidi Vorhees

Fiscal Health - The committee oversees the financial stability of the Illinois Chapter.
Chair: Jessica Suarez

Professional Development – The committee oversees all events and professional development programs and webinars. 
Chairs: Aaron Lewis & Esperanza Castellanos

Communications & Marketing – The committee promotes ILGHN through various outreach efforts, including social media and networking events. The committee also assists with the development of promotional brochures and other media to market/brand ILGHN as well as monitor and recommend strategies to provide current and relevant information to members including regular updates to the website and social media platforms. 
Chair: Diana Puga

Nuevas Generaciones – The committee connects with early career student members by collaborating with educational institutions to increase the Illinois Chapter exposure. 
Chair: Marisol Leyva & Student Member

ILGHN is looking for a Student Member to join our Board. If you are interested, please complete the interest form
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